Building Your Child Up for Success In All Aspects Of Their Future

Your child will receive a strong spiritual and academic
foundation in a place where they are known and loved.
In their middle years at the Rock Academy, our students deepen their knowledge in multiple academic areas while growing in their understanding of the Christian faith, as they begin to make it their own. They begin to develop a secure understanding of their strengths and passions, and gain a fervor to live out their calling and make significant changes in the world.
Creating a sense of belonging in a warm, inclusive community.
A hallmark feature of the Rock Academy experience is our close-knit community of parents, teachers, and coaches who work together to support our students to achieve great things. Our Middle School students learn that building strong relationships with God and with each other is the key to lifelong success, professionally and personally. Our uniquely diverse culture is one of inclusiveness — a place where students feel safe and loved, and capable of accomplishing new things.

Preparing students to excel in high school.
We ensure students leave Middle School ready for the next step in their academic career. Your child will be immersed in a complete curriculum intended to prepare them for high school. Our curriculum is designed to make our students curious about the world around them, and, therefore, interested in school. Interactive learning with real world applications is the norm. Each class will develop students to be deep thinkers, dynamic communicators, and “Do Something” Christians — the three distinctives of the Rock Academy experience.
Helping students find their identity in Christ
Middle School is a critical time of individual, social, and spiritual development. Students are transitioning and going through the process of trying to figure out who they are and who they want to become. The Rock Academy disciples students to find their identity in Christ. Each child is special in God’s eyes, and He has a beautiful plan for their lives. We encourage our students to explore their gifts and talents to find out who God uniquely created them to be.

Curriculum (Program Offerings)
Middle School Language Arts
This course is focused on developing Godly readers, writers and thinkers who can communicate with honor and clarity. Students in this course will write daily, develop reading comprehension skills, speaking and listening skills. In this course, your child will read in whole-class settings, literature discussion circles and embark upon independent reading adventures. Throughout the year your child will be exposed to a variety of texts, thoughts and opinions that will hone their critical thinking and analysis skills. In addition, students will be writing an essay a month. Students will learn new skills about the writing and the revision process as they work in peer-editing workshops and receive instructor feedback. Students will become: deep thinkers, dynamic communicators and do something Christians through middle school level reading, writing and speaking.
Middle School Ancient Civilizations
Students will examine the development of cultures from creation to 1400 AD, through a Christian world perspective. Course themes will include the idea of showing God’s hand in the history of the world, emphasizing the role of individuals in history, and teaching many lessons that can only be learned through the study of world history. Students will gain a better understanding and working knowledge of the geography of the Eastern Hemisphere. Through texts, illustrations, maps, and photographs, students will explore the past and gain insight into the people behind the events of world history.
Middle School History of the United States
In United States history, students will examine the history of this country from its earliest beginnings to the present day. They will not only learn about the influential people, events, and foundations of what made this country what it is today, but will delve deep into God’s providence in the seven eras of U.S. history, examine the continuity and change in foreign relations and human activity; politics, economics, religion, society, science, the arts, and where God’s supervision of American church history as God’s people have interacted with secular society. Students will participate in in-class activities such as lectures, debates, and group exercises/projects
Middle School Bible: Image Bearers
In Bible class, students will discover the meaning of being made in the image of God. This class will seek to equip students to affirm their identity and faith in Jesus and learn the importance of loving others as image-bearers of God—both in history and today—to confront inequity and pursue justice, in a world saturated with so many other identities. Students will participate in in-class activities such as lectures, debates, and group exercises/projects.
Pre-Algebra prepares students for the study of Algebra. Topics covered include problem-solving, expressions, variables, algebraic properties, linear equations, inequalities, functions, ratios and proportions, percents, Cartesian coordinate system, factors and fractions, rational numbers, statistics and probability.
Algebra 1 (A/B) is a course designed to support students who have met the prerequisites for Algebra but would benefit from more time to develop and strengthen their understanding of foundational topics. Students in Algebra 1A will complete the requirements from Algebra 1 by enrolling in Algebra 1B the following school year. The following topics will be covered over the two-year span of the course: linear equations and inequalities, quadratic functions and their graphs, and linear systems of equations. The topic of word problems is also given extensive development to develop critical thinking and analytical skills.
Algebra 1 is a first-year course in Algebra that covers fundamental topics including the following: linear equations and inequalities, quadratic functions and their graphs, and linear systems of equations. The topic of word problems is also given extensive development to develop critical thinking and analytical skills. This course emphasizes on building a firm foundation for future math courses.
Geometry is an introductory course that uses the properties of common geometric figures to build more abstract concepts of logic and reasoning. Deductive reasoning skills are developed by using theorems and definitions to develop formal proofs. The topics covered are basic plane geometry such as points, lines, and planes as well as three-dimensional geometry. Properties and relationships of parallel and perpendicular lines will be covered throughout the text to build a deeper understanding of the properties of triangles and other polygons and build an understanding of congruence, similarity and proportions. These topics will provide the basis of an exploration of the special properties of right triangles and basic trigonometry. An interactive classroom environment that involves student-led discussions and presentations foster a deeper understanding of subject matter and sharpen communication and collaboration skills. Outdoor explorations encourage students to connect the theoretical classroom work to the world around them to encourage deeper thinking about the topics in general and to contemplate the order and grandeur of the Lord’s Creation.
Middle School Physical Science explores how the physical sciences reflect God’s glory and creation. This class utilizes the textbook, California Focus on Physical Science, and other resources including labs and hands-on activities. The course is an exciting introduction to chemistry and will cover an introduction to the periodic table, chemical interactions, motion, forces, energy and astronomy.
Middle School Life Science coming soon
Physical Education
Middle School PE builds upon gross-motor and locomotor patterns worked upon in Elementary PE. As this course aims to develop a foundation of physical fitness, students are exposed to a wide variety of age- and level-appropriate exercises for strength, cardio-respiratory endurance, and flexibility. Additionally, students are provided with opportunities for positive social interaction with others through competition and a variety of sports.
Students design and create artful compositions and visual communication. This class teaches students the elements and principles of art and photography using graphic design.
Students learn Spanish vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure.
In this class, students will work to refine their dramatic skills. Students will use various creative drama techniques to build ensemble, stimulate imagination, movement, and role-play with an emphasis on participation.
Voice and Stage Acting: Students will understand essential concepts about voice and how to use their voice effectively when performing basic dramatic readings, sports and news reporting, and cartoon vocal characterizations. Students will work on developing a character using both vocal and facial expressions when acting on stage. Students will use scripts to put together and perform scenes from both dramatic and comedic plays.
Improvisation: Students will be taught to direct their focus, intent, and motivation to create and sustain characters and scenes using the skill of improvisation.
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What is the Rock Academy’s student-teacher ratio?
Our student-teacher ratio is 14:1. Because of this, our teachers have the opportunity to truly know and understand each child, allowing them to build lasting relationships and help develop each child’s gifts and abilities fully.
What is the average class size?
The average class size at the academy is 17.
How rigorous are the academic standards at the Rock Academy?
The Rock Academy provides a challenging academic program which trains students to be deep thinkers, dynamic communicators, and do-something Christians. Our program is not rigorous for the sake of rigor, though. The students, faculty, and staff delight in the joy of learning! We hold high expectations of both our students and faculty, coupled with a community of grace and acceptance where students are known and loved for who they are.
Do you accept students with learning needs?
Yes. The Rock Academy Educational Support Program specializes in the creation of individualized academic support plans for students in grades K-12 who are challenged with mild learning difficulties. Students’ in the Program benefit from a personalized combination of classroom, small group, and one-on-one instruction. Students are taught through a multi-modality learning environment supplemented with strategies designed to meet their specific academic learning needs. Learn more.
How diverse is the student body?
- Ethnically Diverse: Our student population roughly matches that of San Diego.
- Social-Economically Diverse: Our tuition plans are tailored to each family’s budget, and roughly 1/3 of our families receive needs-based tuition assistance.
- Academically Diverse: We set the bar high! While rigorous and college preparatory, our program also offers individualized academic support plans for students who are challenged with mild to moderate learning difficulties.
What extracurricular opportunities are offered?
We believe that co-curricular enrichment is a necessary part of a well-rounded education. Elementary students have the opportunity to participate in school-wide drama productions, and grades 4-6 can play on one of our athletic teams that compete against other schools. In the middle school and high school, there are a plethora or artistic opportunities and athletic teams. 90% of or 7 -12 grade students participate in athletics, or in a visual/performing arts activity. Learn more on our Student Life page.
Is there a uniform policy?
Yes. Students at the Rock Academy wear a comfortable uniform that consists of shorts, pants, skirts, polo shirts and jackets. Uniforms reduce clothing-related peer pressure, creates uniformity between socioeconomic classes, and tend to cost less than traditional youth clothing.